Thursday, March 28, 2019

Photos of Riché Richardson from Facebook Profile


Clip art from SEEKPNG

In the spring of 2021, in the context of social media on Facebook and within my family and friend community there, I shared a "life album" through a series of decade-by-decade posts over the span of six weeks, highlighting a photo from every year of my life on the path to age 50, and in some cases multiple ones.  "Remixes" of my teen years and adult years that I inserted also highlighted photos from the roughly 15 formal events, including teas, balls and cotillions, that necessitated formal dresses and gowns, in which I participated on the path to high school graduation, as well as the various formal events that I have attended throughout my adult life.  It was a fun project that took the shape of a virtual "life quilt" that allowed its viewers to see an age progression of my life year by year, from the day I was born, and has inspired some of my new art projects and experiments in the works.  There are also pages entitled "The Path" on both my artist and academic websites that draw on different sets of images and highlight various moments across my life history in a similar sense.  The images above, including those few that have served as Facebook profile pictures in the past, begin with the photo shoot with Clifford Hunter for my debutante program,  as well as an image from the evening of the event itself, and capture various close-ups during moments over the years, from age 17 through the present.  Hallelujah and all glory to the Lord for my journey!!! #WalkbyFaith #LivingTestimony #JubileeYear #TheFirst50 #ThePath #LifeJourneyinPhotosYearbyYear #TimeLapseAgeProgressionVirtualQuilt

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